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Water Quality Spectrometer Probes

Spectrometer probes measure optical spectra from 190 to 750 nm in liquids. Robust, reliable, and durable, these devices require minimal maintenance; with automatic cleaning via compressed air or a brush. Probes can be deployed in a water source or bypass stream for 24 hours a day for years at a time.​

Spectrometer Probes

Key Features

Fingerprint Technology

The "Fingerprint" refers to the comprehensive absorbance profile generated by the spectrometer. This fingerprint can be used to monitor multiple parameters simultaneously, such as chemical or biological substances in the sample. By analyzing the spectrum, the system can account for potential cross-sensitivities between parameters, making it highly reliable for complex measurements.

Global Calibration

Global Calibrations calculate the concentrations of multiple parameters from the Fingerprint and are available as application-specific factory settings. Through the Global Calibrations each user benefits from many years of experience in applications similar to his own – in most cases no local calibration on site is required.

Cost Efficiency

Our spectrometer probes use no replaceable parts or consumables. This dramatically reduces the ongoing costs associated with maintenance and replacement parts, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term use. As long as the spectrometer is operated properly, users can avoid additional costs beyond the initial purchase.

How It Works

  • Measuring Principle
  • How It Measures
Measuring Principle
Measuring Principle

Spectrometer probes work according to the principle of UV-Vis spectrometry. The spectrometer probes are the first and only instruments in the world that can measure optical spectra from 190 to 750 nm directly in liquid media. The substances contained in the medium weaken a light beam emitted by a lamp that moves through the liquid. After contact with the medium its intensity is measured by a detector over a range of wavelengths specific to the application.

How It Measures
How It Measures

In the measuring section, which is positioned between emitting and receiving units, the emitted light passes through the medium to be analyzed. Substances in the medium between the measuring windows of the probe absorb visible and UV light. Internally a second light beam is guided across a comparison pathway. This two-beam setup makes it possible to compensate, with every single measurement, any instrumental effects that could influence the quality of the measurement (e.g. aging of the light source).


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spectro::lyser V3 Spectrometer Probe
BOD, Chl-a, Chloramine, CLD, COD, Color, DOC, Fingerprint, HS-, NO3-N/NO3, O3, Pressure, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UV254
BOD, Chl-a, Chloramine, CLD, COD, Color, DOC, Fingerprint, HS-, NO3-N/NO3, O3, Pressure, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UV254
spectro::lyser UV-Wavelengths Spectrometer Probe
COD, Fingerprint, HS-/H2S, NO2-N/NO2, NO3-N/NO3, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, UVT, UV254
COD, Fingerprint, HS-/H2S, NO2-N/NO2, NO3-N/NO3, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, UVT, UV254
spectro::lyser Industrial ATEX Spectrometer Probe
BOD, Chl-A, Chloramine, CLD, COD, Color, DOC, Fingerprint, HS-/H2S, NO3-N/NO3, O3, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UVT, UV254
BOD, Chl-A, Chloramine, CLD, COD, Color, DOC, Fingerprint, HS-/H2S, NO3-N/NO3, O3, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UVT, UV254
spectro::lyser Titanium Pro Spectrometer Probe - Corrosive Application
BOD, COD, Color, DOC, Fingerprint, HS-/H2S, NO3-N/NO3, O3, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UVT, UV254
BOD, COD, Color, DOC, Fingerprint, HS-/H2S, NO3-N/NO3, O3, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UVT, UV254
carbo::lyser V3 Organic Carbon Spectrometer Probe
BOD, COD, DOC, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UV254
BOD, COD, DOC, Temperature, TOC, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UV254
nitro::lyser V3 Nitrate & Turbidity Spectrometer Probe
NO3-N/NO3, Temperature, TSS/TS, Turbidity
NO3-N/NO3, Temperature, TSS/TS, Turbidity
ozo::lyser V3 Ozone Spectrometer Probe
O3, Temperature, TSS/TS, Turbidity
O3, Temperature, TSS/TS, Turbidity
uv::lyser V3 Turbidity & Total Suspended Solids Spectrometer Probe
Temperature, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UVT, UV254
Temperature, TSS/TS, Turbidity, UVT, UV254
multi::lyser V3 Spectrometer Probe
BOD, COD, TOC, DOC, UV254, NO3-N/NO3, TSS/TS, Turbidity, Temperature
BOD, COD, TOC, DOC, UV254, NO3-N/NO3, TSS/TS, Turbidity, Temperature

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