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The B12 2-Wire Gas Detector is a two-wire transmitter for use in monitoring hazardous gases in ambient air. It is designed to monitor gas concentration in areas around storage cylinders, process piping, or gas feed equipment in virtually any type of industrial plant environment.
The B12 2-Wire Gas Detectors are loop-powered instruments that transmit a 4-20 mA signal linearly proportional to gas concentration. Operated from a 24 VDC power supply, the transmitter will drive loads up to 675 ohms, sufficient for most monitoring applications. Alternatively, the unit can operate at 12 VDC with reduced output load for applications requiring battery operation.
These detectors are normally supplied with the sensor closely coupled to the enclosure. However, for special applications, the unit can be supplied with separate sensors that can be located up to 25 feet from the transmitter. Sensor duct mounting adapters and sensor flow cells can also be provided for specific applications.
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