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The Q46T Turbidity Monitor provides a display of turbidity over a variety of operating ranges. The minimum display range of 0-2 NTU provides resolution down to 0.001 NTU and is suitable for almost any final filter monitoring application. Ranges of 0- 20 or 0-200 NTU are available for raw water or clarifier effluent monitoring.
The Q46T provides three programmable alarms with SPDT alarm relays are included, as well as two isolated 4-20 mA outputs. The analog outputs may be programmed for full-scale outputs as low as 0-0.2 NTU, and can be inverted if desired.
Q46T also provides sensor diagnostic functions to warn of condition that cause inaccurate or invalid readings. The sensor is continuously monitored for optical fouling, and will display an alarm message when the sensor requires cleaning In addition, the sensor will detect the lack of water in the flow cell and provide a “dry cell” when an air interface is detected. These alarm conditions will cause a third alarm relay to activate, which can be used to indicate these conditions remotely.
The turbidity sensor is designed to operate under pressure to eliminate the sample degassing that often causes air bubble errors. Sample pressure remains constant until the sample exits the measuring chamber, resulting in a more reliable measurement. The turbidity electronics unit is an AC or DC powered instrument providing an LCD display of turbidity value, as well as indication of alarm status and instrument diagnostics. The NEMA 4X can be wall, pipe, or handrail mounted using the universal mounting kit included with each system.
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