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F6750 Digital Displays

Flo-tech digital displays are designed for use with Flo-tech Activa, Ultima and Classic Flow Meters, but can be used with any frequency or analog output flow meter. The displays are powered by an AC or DC power source, and can be configured with a variety of communication protocols and units of measure. Basic functions include flow, temperature and pressure indication, totalization, alarm processing, and process control.

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  • Display
    5-digit, 0.56 in. sunlight-readable red LED
    5-digit, 0.56 in. sunlight-readable red LED
  • Power Supply
    85…250V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 VA | 11…36V DC, 11 W
    85…250V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 VA | 11…36V DC, 11 W
  • Temperature Range
    0…50° C
    32…122° F
  • Sensor Inputs
    4…20 mA or 0…10V DC
    4…20 mA or 0…10V DC
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