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Customer Care representatives are available by phone Monday–Friday, from 9am–5pm CST.
Wyco offers a complete selection of high-cycle products. High-cycle vibrator heads are available in 1600 pound rotor sizes at 10,800 vibrations per minute. The unit is adjustable with the use of Select-Cycle converters. Wyco high-cycle vibrators include a 25-foot power cable, hose lengths from 6 to 30 feet long and a sealed switch design for deep pours. They are available in 2 inch round head and 2-3/8 inch square head sizes. Wyco high-cycle vibrators are designed to properly consolidate difficult, performance-based concrete mixes.
The unit emphasizes a consistent speed output, allowing users to have uniform speeds throughout the form, regardless of any load change.
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Customer Care representatives are available by phone Monday–Friday, from 9am–5pm CST.