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Customer Care representatives are available by phone Monday–Friday, from 9am–5pm CST.

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Permanganate (MnO4) is a strong oxidant used in water treatment to control taste, odors, biological growth and to remove color, manganese and iron.

Permanganate can be used to control the formation of disinfection by-products by oxidizing the organic precursors. In industrial waste treatment, it is used for odor control, toxic pollutant destruction, bio-augmentation, and grease removal.

Although it is an effective treatment aid, residual Permanganate is not desirable in treated water and can lead to complaints, therefore dosing needs to be carefully controlled and adjusted to ensure only the correct levels are present and no residual remains.

Monitoring the concentration of Permanganate in real-time ensures accurate and reliable management of water quality. Concentrations exceeding pre-determined thresholds helps to identify overdosing, allowing dosing to be adjusted accordingly.


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(800) 616–3837