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The Q46D Dissolved Oxygen Monitor is a versatile on-line monitoring system designed for the continuous measurement of dissolved oxygen in solution. Two types of sensing technologies are available for use with the Q46D system: Membraned Electrochemical and Optical (fluorescence). Both sensors will provide reliable long-term performance with minimal maintenance.
Dissolved Oxygen water quality monitoring is critical for aeration system process control. Optimization of the biological process, whether it’s removal of organic material, nitrification, or nitrification/denitrification, depends on maintaining proper D.O. levels. Controlling air flow to within the optimal range eliminates excess aeration, which translates into significant energy savings.
The Q46D Dissolved Oxygen Monitor is designed to provide reliable oxygen measurement and help reduce operating costs. Two types of sensing technologies are available for use with the Q46D system: Membraned Electrochemical and Optical (fluorescence). Both sensors will provide reliable long-term performance with minimal maintenance. No hardware modifications are required to change from one sensor type to the other. The monitor can be configured for AC or DC power supplies, and a portable battery-powered unit is available to meet a variety of monitoring needs. When process conditions require frequent sensor cleaning, our unique Q-Blast Auto-Cleaner can be used to keep the system operating nearly maintenance-free. This time-proven system has been instrumental in providing years of worry-free operation.
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