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Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Ultrasonic flow meters are inferential meters that use ultrasonic technology to measure the velocity of an acoustically conductive liquid moving through it. There are two types of ultrasonic flow meter technologies, including Doppler and transit time. In addition to inline and open channel models, ultrasonic meters are available as clamp-on solutions when contact with the measured fluid is not possible. 

Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Increase Measurement Accuracy. Reduce Installation Costs.

Ultrasonic flow meters are a popular solution to simplify flow measurement across a variety of applications. 

  • Impressive Accuracy. Maintain accuracy across a wide range of applications with a greater extended low flow accuracy compared to mechanical meters.
  • Flexible Installation. Can be installed permanently or temporarily—clamp-on meters can be installed by a single user within an hour as a temporary measurement solution or to verify the accuracy of other meters.
  • Minimal Maintenance. Feature a streamlined design without moving parts, which results in minimal maintenance and low cost of installation and ownership.

How It Works

  • Measuring Principle
  • How It Measures
  • Key Applications
Measuring Principle
Measuring Principle

Ultrasonic meters measure the velocity of a fluid flowing through a pipe in one of two ways: transit time or Doppler technology. Transit time technology measures the time differential between signals sent upstream and downstream. The differential is directly proportional to the velocity of the water. Doppler technology measures the difference in sound wave frequency reflected off gas bubbles or particles in the flow stream.

How Does Ultrasonic Clamp-on Technology Work?
Ultrasonic clamp-on technology video
How It Measures
How It Measures

With this technology, ultrasonic waves transmit upstream and downstream through the pipe wall and liquid flowing in the pipe. By measuring the difference in the travel time and knowing the pipe size, the meter determines the velocity and flow rate. Transit time ultrasonic flow meters use two transducers, which mount to the outside of the pipe and function as both ultrasonic transmitters and receivers. The flow meters operate by alternately transmitting and receiving a frequency-modulated burst of sound energy between the two transducers. 

Key Applications
Key Applications
  • HVAC/Energy Monitoring
  • Water Treatment
  • Water Delivery Gray or Black Water
  • Produced Water
  • Power Generation
  • Food and Beverage Processing


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Product Line
Measuring Medium
Flow Range
Temperature Range
Pressure Range

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TFX-5000 Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flow Meter
Size Range
15...1200 mm
1/2...48 in.
Temperature Range
-40...176° C
-40...350° F
Flow Range
2.32...125,000 lpm
0.7...33,000 gpm
± 0.5% ±0.025 ft/s (0.008 m/s)
± 0.5% ±0.025 ft/s (0.008 m/s)
TFX-500w Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flow Meter
Size Range
15...250 mm
1/2...10 in.
Temperature Range
-40...121° C
-4...249° F
Flow Range
0.38...44,700 l/min
0.1...9800 gpm
DXN Portable Hybrid Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Size Range
12...1524 mm
1/2...60 in.
Temperature Range
-40...176° C
-40...350° F
Flow Range
0.3...12 m/s
1...40 fps
UHC-120 Ultrasonic Thermal Energy Meter
Size Range
15…40 mm
½…1-1/2 in.
Temperature Range
5…90° C
41…194° F
Flow Range
1.5…20 m3/h
6.6…88 gpm
Pressure Range
Up to 16 bar
Up to 232 PSI
RS-900w Polymer Ultrasonic Flow Sensor
Size Range
25.4 mm, 38.1 mm, and 50.8 mm
1 in., 1.5 in., and 2 in.
Temperature Range
0…60° C
32…140° F
Flow Range
0.26...200 gal/min
0.26...200 gal/min
± 2% of reading
± 2% of reading
UHC100 Ultrasonic Thermal Energy Meter
Temperature Range
5…130° C
41…266° F
Flow Range
0.15...333 lpm
0.04...88 gpm
Power Supply
Dependent on meter configuration
Dependent on meter configuration

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