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The Q45C2 2E Resistivity Transmitter is a versatile solution for monitoring and control of resistivity and conductivity. The Q45C2 2E provides the reliable and accurate low-level measurements required for high-purity water systems.
Specifically designed for use in ultra-pure water and non-fouling applications, the Q45C2 2E Resistivity Transmitter provides reliable and accurate low-level measurements for high-purity water systems.
The 2-Electrode sensors are available in several mounting configurations, including 316SS compression fittings or sanitary-style. For applications where results in resistivity units are preferred, the Q45C2 2E can be programmed to display readings in Meg-ohm units instead of microSiemens. The transmitter employs 2-Electrode conductivity sensors with low cell constants to provide continuous water quality measurements from 0-20 to 0-2,000 microSiemens. These sensors may also be mounted submersion-style or in a hot-tap configuration.
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