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BEACON Software as a Service

The BEACON® Software as a Service (SaaS) solution combines the intuitive power of the BEACON software suite with proven ORION® Cellular Network as a Service (Naas), Traditional Fixed Network (AMI) and Mobile (AMR) meter reading technologies to provide utility management with greater visibility, control and optimized information.

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Simple Solution. Powerful Analytics. Utility Efficiency.

BEACON SaaS with ORION NaaS powered by cellular endpoints puts 15-minute interval meter data to work, increasing efficiency in day-to-day utility operations and addressing demands for operational transparency.

  • Comprehensive Analytics. Users get a holistic view of their water utility and metering system performance at a glance with the opportunity to review a detailed analysis of the inner workings of the system.
  • Informed Decision Making. Provides timely interval data and alerts for optimal transparency at all levels of your administration, improving each user’s ability to make informed decisions to resolve operational and customer service issues.
  • Meter Data Management. Provides instant access to all of your metering data and system alerts via BEACON SaaS, complete with an intuitive user interface and exhaustive custom reporting capabilities.
  • Proven Interoperability. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable seamless integration with your customer information system (CIS), billing and other utility systems.

Market Applications

  • Customer Water Usage

    Utilities play a pivotal role in drinking water management by ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of clean water to communities. Operating and maintaining vast infrastructure networks, utilities are responsible for sourcing, treating, and distributing water while adhering to stringent quality standards. These applications demand the highest level of accuracy, flexibility and reliability. Our water meters and flow monitoring technologies, coupled with powerful analytics software, provide end-to-end solutions that generate revenue, conserve water and improve customer service.

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Software | Version v1210-20100408 | Updated January 22, 2024 | 2.32 MB IR Programming Cable Driver AquaCUE ; BEACON ; Dynasonics ; E-Series ; High Resolution Encoders ; ORION See Release Notes
Software | Version v1210-20100408 | Updated January 22, 2024 | 2.32 MB IR Programming Cable Driver AquaCUE ; BEACON ; Dynasonics ; E-Series ; High Resolution Encoders ; ORION See Release Notes

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