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Customer Care representatives are available by phone Monday–Friday, from 9am–5pm CST.
The E-Series® Ultrasonic Plus meter utilizes ultrasonic transit-time technology to measure cold potable water and incorporates an integrated valve into the lay length of the meter. This valve feature allows water utilities to actuate the valve remotely to temporarily restrict water service safely and efficiently.
The E-Series® Ultrasonic Plus meter combines accurate flow measurement with remote flow control, to keep operational costs down while enabling greater customer service.
The average shutoff service could cost a utility $150-$300 per year. The E-Series Ultrasonic Plus meter's integrated valve enables remote flow control, eliminating the cost associated with sending a technician into the field. The meter can be used for multiple applications where controlling the flow is required and, when necessary, its restricted operation encourages prompt payment for billing issues.
Flexible Deployment
Smart Water Ready
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Customer Care representatives are available by phone Monday–Friday, from 9am–5pm CST.