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Conductivity (CT / C2 / C4)

Conductivity is a measure of water’s ability to pass an electrical current and is affected by the presence of inorganic dissolved solids, including ions that carry a negative charge or ions that carry a positive charge.

Conductivity measurements are useful to indicate the amount of dissolved ions present in a water sample and can serve as a measure of water quality.  The measurement of conductivity in water can help to identify the concentration of solutions, the purity of the water, as well as the detection of contaminants.

Industries such as water treatment have adopted the measurement expressed as TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) and conductivity is a good measure to reflect the amount of TDS or salinity of a water source.  TDS is approximated with conductivity using a multiple factor and is expressed in parts per million (ppm).

Low-level conductivity measurements are essential for a variety of water quality monitoring applications. The correct operation of deionizers, reverse osmosis membranes, ion exchange systems and heat exchangers require continuous monitoring to ensure high quality water.


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