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Dissolved Ozone (O3)

Ozone is an extremely effective oxidant, dissolved in water to remove organic carbon from raw water and destroying most pathogens.

Dissolved Ozone
Ozone is a powerful disinfectant gas, commonly dissolved in water treatment for potable, wastewater, pharmaceutical, agricultural, ventilation systems, industrial and leisure to help breakdown organic matter prior to further treatment. It breaks down pesticides, kills microorganisms and removes unwanted color leaving no taste, odor and most importantly no dangerous chemical residues. It is exceptionally quick-working, with the oxidization process taking around 2 seconds.

Dissolved Ozone has proven to be an effective oxidant, removing organic carbon from raw water and destroying most pathogens. As a result, ozone treatment is now widely used in the semi-conductor, pharmaceutical, and food and beverage industries and this has created a need for reliable measurement systems to monitor and control ozone treatment systems.


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