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Dissolved Ammonia

Dissolved Ammonia is used to prolong the effectiveness of the disinfection chlorine added in the drinking water, wastewater, pharmaceutical and food and drink industries.

Dissolved Ammonia
Dissolved Ammonia is a colorless, reactive gas that is lighter than air and dissolves readily in water, with a pungent odor. It is commonly used as both a reagent and as a measurement parameter in water and wastewater treatment processes. Excess Ammonia can damage vegetation, is incredibly toxic to aquatic life and can create an unpleasant taste and smell in drinking water, meaning monitoring is critical.

High concentrations of Ammonia can cause damage and pose health risks, therefore monitoring and maintaining ammonia levels is vital. When not used for disinfection, its presence in a distribution system may indicate leaching from materials used in the pipework construction or water contamination, due to damage in the system. When unwanted ammonia combines with chlorine, it diminishes the disinfection strength of chlorination.

Badger Meter dissolved Ammonia monitoring solutions measure low-level total Ammonia, suited to environmental applications such as river inlet monitoring and waste water final effluent, or free and total Ammonia for the control of chloramination processes.


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