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Turbo Meter With Butterfly Valve Assembly

The Badger Meter Turbo/Butterfly Valve water batching system is designed to control and measure the water batching process in concrete batch plants, block plants, prestressed concrete batch plants or wherever there is a need for water batching.

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  • Size Range
    50...152.4 mm
    2...6 in.
  • Accuracy
  • Repeatability
  • Temperature Range
    0...93° C
    32...200° F
  • Operating Pressure
    0.5...8.6 bar
    7...125 PSI
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Accurate Batching. Dependable Service.

Our reliable Industrial Turbine Meter, with either an unscaled pulse transmitter or an electronic scalable transmitter, combined with a solenoid-controlled air operated butterfly valve creates a water batching system that provides accurate and dependable service in all types of batch plant environments.

  • Long-Lasting Design. Industrial turbo meters offer long lasting ceramic bearings, low pressure loss, easy field calibration and simple in-line serviceability.
  • Reliable Operation. The Industrial Turbine is a volumetric liquid flow meter which works on the time proven principle of a rotor turning at an angular velocity proportional to the fluid velocity through the turbine.

Product Specifications

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  • Size
    50...152.4 mm
    2...6 in.
  • Accuracy
  • Repeatability
  • Temperature Range
    0...93 °C
    32...200 °F
  • Operating Pressure Range
    0.5...8.6 bar
    7...125 PSI
  • Solenoid Voltage
    115V AC/60 Hz (Other voltages available upon request)
    115V AC/60 Hz (Other voltages available upon request)

Market Applications

  • Concrete Production & Consolidation

    Concrete products by Badger Meter are used to measure and precisely control the amount of water and chemical additives used in the production of concrete. Our products can be found in thousands of Ready Mix and concrete batch plants and are built to withstand the demands of the most rigorous concrete applications.

    Wyco, a division of Badger Meter, has led the development of innovative tools for demanding concrete consolidation applications for over 90 years. With the introduction of our first gas-powered flexible shaft vibrator, the development of the industry's only patented Square Head vibrator design and the launch of our Sure Speed® constant speed electric vibrator motor, Wyco has led the way in innovative, durable concrete consolidation tools.

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