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(800) 616–3837

Service Units Terms and Conditions

AquaCUE® Flow Measurement Manager Pricing Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply to AquaCUE® Flow Measurement Manager services sold by Badger Meter, Inc. (“Badger Meter”) to
a customer (“Customer”) and are in addition to those found at https://www.badgermeter.com/certifications-legal/, and as appropriate, the
AquaCUE General Agreement.


AquaCUE License

A one-time License fee is required for all new AquaCUE accounts. This fee includes the setup and activation of the Customer’s AquaCUE
portfolio and initial licensing of the AquaCUE software. The one-time fee will be invoiced by Badger Meter.

AquaCUE Flat File Integration Fee

This fee includes the mapping of a billing flat file (.csv) format to the AquaCUE account. Fees charged to a Customer by its billing vendor for
an interface file are separate and are the responsibility of the Customer. The Flat File Integration Fee will be invoiced by Badger Meter.


Recurring service fees are based on asset type and assessed monthly (“Service Units”). Asset types are identified by unique Service Unit part
numbers as represented in this section. Service Units will be invoiced by Badger Meter.

Customers deploying an AquaCUE system will be assessed managed solution subscription fee Service Units, which include Customer’s
access to the AquaCUE software, hosting of Customer’s metering data, and technical support. Managed solution Subscription Fee Service
Units (68886-101 and 68886-201) will be assessed monthly, per eligible AquaCUE Connector endpoint in the Customer’s AquaCUE account.
An AquaCUE connected device will consume one or more Service Units each month, based on data interval and call-in frequency, and will
be assessed on the 26th of each month. Service Units will be consumed for any managed solution endpoint which has been activated or is
more than six months past its original manufacturer ship date.


Customer will be required to submit a purchase order (PO) to Badger Meter for applicable Service Units.

By default, AquaCUE Service Units will be invoiced annually in advance of use. However, Service Units may be purchased in Customerdefined
increments except where minimum multiple purchase increments have been stated. Reorder increments will be established at the
time of initial purchase and may be modified at a later date. Service Unit price may vary if purchase increment is changed.

  • Service Unit pricing is Net to Customer and will be invoiced by Badger Meter based on Customer-defined Service Unit purchase increments
    or minimum multiple purchase increments as noted. Service Unit part numbers are denoted as 68886 and have been included in this
    document for cross reference with Customer pricing proposal.
  • Service Units will be consumed on a monthly basis, as applicable to each asset type.
  • Service Units are non-refundable and non-transferable to another entity without Badger Meter approval.
  • Service Units may be converted to like-valued or higher Service Units of a different asset type with Badger Meter approval.
  • Service Units expire ten (10) years from date of purchase. Expired Service Units will be forfeited unless converted prior to expiration.

Upon termination of a Customer’s AquaCUE services, for whatever cause, unused Service Units will be forfeited if not converted to Badger Meter future purchase credit within ninety (90) days.

Failure to renew services at term expiration, or pay for services invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors, may result in termination of services and limited access to Customer’s AquaCUE account at the discretion of Badger Meter.

Once deactivated by the network carrier, cellular endpoints cannot be reactivated.

BEACON® Software as a Service (SaaS) Solution with ORION® Network as a Service (NaaS) Pricing Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply to the BEACON® Software as a Service (SaaS) Solution, composed of BEACONSaaS Software as a Service (SaaS) and ORION® Network as a Service (NaaS) with ORION Cellular endpoints sold by Badger Meter, Inc. (“Badger Meter”) or one of its authorized distributors to a utility or non-utility customer (“Customer”) and are in addition to those found at https://www.badgermeter.com/legal-and-compliance/ and as appropriate, the BEACON General Agreement and/or BEACON Master Agreement executed by Customer.



A one-time BEACON SaaS Engagement Fee, invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors, is required for all deployments of the BEACON SaaS Solution with ORION NaaS. This fee includes setup and activation of Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio. Billing Integration professional services are separate and an additional fee. Fees charged to a Customer by its utility billing vendor for an interface file are separate and are the responsibility of the Customer.


Recurring service fees are based on asset type and assessed monthly (“Service Units”). Asset types are identified by unique Service Unit part numbers as represented in this section. Service Units will be invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors.


Customers deploying a BEACON SaaS Solution with ORION NaaS will be assessed NaaS Subscription Fee Service Units, which include Customer’s license and access to the BEACON SaaS software, software updates, hosting of Customer’s metering data, and technical support. NaaS Subscription Fee Service Units (68886-101, 68886-104 and 68886-201) will be assessed monthly, per eligible ORION NaaS endpoint in Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio. Such an endpoint will consume one or more Service Units each month, based on data interval and call-in frequency, and will be assessed on the 26th of each month. Service Units will be consumed for endpoints that have been activated or are more than six months past their original manufacturer ship date. Service Unit price may vary if purchase increment is changed.


Supply, installation, backhaul communication and maintenance of ORION® fixed network gateway transceivers deployed as part of a NaaS solution are included in the NaaS endpoint pricing and monthly subscription fee Service Units.


An EyeOnWater® License is included in the BEACON SaaS Solution with ORION NaaS. The license includes software licensing, setup and activation of EyeOnWater consumer engagement module for NaaS accounts in Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio. The Customer is required to have appropriate data fields provided from billing software to support EyeOnWater. Fees charged to a Customer by its utility billing vendor for interface file are separate and are the responsibility of the Customer.


Customer will be required to submit a PO to Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors for applicable Service Units. Initial Service Unit pricing will be held for the first 12-month term, then subject to change thereafter. Service Units may be purchased in Customer-defined increments except where minimum multiple purchase increments have been stated. Reorder increments will be established at time of initial purchase and may be modified at a later date. Service Unit price may vary if purchase increment is changed.

Service Unit pricing is Net to Customer and will be invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors based on Customerdefined Service Unit purchase increments or minimum multiple purchase increments as noted. Service Unit part numbers are denoted as 68886 and have been included in this document for cross reference with Customer pricing proposal.

Service Units will be consumed on a monthly basis, as applicable to each asset type.

Service Units are non-refundable and non-transferable to another entity without Badger Meter approval.

Service Units may be converted to like-valued, or higher, Service Units of a different asset type with Badger Meter approval.

Service Units expire ten (10) years from date of purchase. Expired Service Units will be forfeited unless converted prior to expiration.

Upon termination of a Customer’s BEACON SaaS services, for whatever cause, unused Service Units will be forfeited if not converted to Badger Meter future purchase credit within ninety (90) days.

Failure to renew services at term expiration, or pay for services invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors, may result in termination of services and limited access to Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio at the discretion of Badger Meter.

Once deactivated by the network carrier, ORION Cellular endpoints cannot be reactivated.


The following applies only to endpoints replaced under the network guarantee described in the ORION Cellular LTE-M, LTE-MS and C Endpoints warranty document (ORI-WR-02596-EN), ORION Cellular LTE Endpoint warranty document (ORI-WR-03433-EN), BEACON SaaS Managed Solution with ORION Cellular CDMA N and Fixed Network (SE) Water Endpoints warranty document (BEA-WR-02097-EN), or with ORION Cellular CDMA and Fixed Network (SE) Water Endpoints warranty document (BEA-WR00719-EN). For those endpoints replaced under the network guarantee, the Customer shall be responsible for fees related to communication, including the most recently published replacement endpoint activation fee to initiate endpoint communication, and a minimum of 60 Service Units per replacement endpoint, 12 per year for five (5) years. Purchase fees for a minimum of 12 Service Units per endpoint will be billed at the time replacement endpoints are shipped, and will thereafter be billed annually in 12-unit increments at a minimum per endpoint. This network guarantee does not apply to endpoints sold outside of the United States and Canada or for endpoints in use outside of the United States and Canada.


BEACON® SaaS Mobile and Fixed Network Pricing Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply to BEACON® SaaS Mobile Solution and BEACON SaaS Traditional Fixed Network Solution services sold by Badger Meter, Inc. (“Badger Meter”) or one of its authorized distributors to a utility or non-utility customer (“Customer”) and are in addition to those found at https://www.badgermeter.com/legal-and-compliance/ and as appropriate, the BEACON General Agreement and/or BEACON Master Agreement executed by Customer.




A one-time BEACON Engagement Fee, invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors, is required for all BEACON SaaS Mobile Solution and Traditional Fixed Network Solution deployments. This fee includes setup and activation of Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio. Billing Integration professional services are separate and an additional fee. Fees charged to a Customer by its utility billing vendor for an interface file are separate and are the responsibility of the Customer.


Recurring service fees are based on asset type and assessed monthly (“Service Units”). Asset types are identified by unique Service Unit part numbers as represented in this section. Service Units will be invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors.


Customers deploying a BEACON SaaS Mobile Solution or Traditional Fixed Network Solution will be assessed Hosting Fee Service Units, which include Customer’s license and access to the BEACON SaaS software, software updates, hosting of Customer’s metering data, and technical support. A Hosting Fee Service Unit represents one (1) month of service for an Account in Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio and will be assessed on the 26th of each month. Service Unit price may vary if purchase increment is changed.

MOBILE: Mobile Hosting Fee Service Units (68886-301) will be assessed monthly, per eligible Mobile Account in Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio. Any Account which is brought into Customer’s portfolio which is not classified as a Fixed Network or Cellular Account will be classified as a Mobile Account.

FIXED NETWORK: Fixed Network Hosting Fee Service Units (68886-201) will be assessed monthly, per eligible Fixed Network Account in Customer’s portfolio. An Account will be classified as a Fixed Network Account the first time a fixed network message is heard by a gateway.


Cellular gateway backhaul communication Service Units (68886-601) will be assessed quarterly based on cumulative number of cellular backhaul gateways shipped to Customer. A cellular gateway backhaul communication Service Unit represents one (1) month of backhaul service for a gateway shipped to Customer and will be assessed quarterly. Service Units for backhaul communications are available for purchase in multiples of three (3) Service Units and each gateway will consume three (3) Service Units per quarterly invoicing period.


An optional annual EyeOnWater® License is available for BEACON SaaS Traditional Fixed Network Solutions. The annual license includes software licensing, setup and activation of EyeOnWater consumer engagement module for fixed network accounts in Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio. An EyeOnWater Service Unit represents one (1) month of Customer access to EyeOnWater consumer engagement tools and will be assessed in multiples of twelve (12) EyeOnWater Service Units (68886-401). EyeOnWater license may be added by a utility at any time. Customer is required to have appropriate data fields provided from billing software to support EyeOnWater. Fees charged to a Customer by its utility billing vendor for interface file are separate and are the responsibility of the Customer. 


An annual BEACON SaaS Field Application Suite-Mobile Read Module license is required. This license includes Customer access to the BEACON SaaS mobile meter reading software system, software updates, and technical support. A Mobile Read Module License Service Unit represents one (1) month of Customer access to the BEACON SaaS Field Application Suite Mobile Read Module, including BEACON SaaS Field Director, ORION® Mobile Read software and ORION Endpoint Utility software, and will be assessed in multiples of twelve (12) Mobile Read Module License Service Units (68886-501).

The license start date will be the date the BEACON customer is eligible for BEACON Mobile training. If the BEACON customer has purchased a billing integration accompanying the BEACON SaaS FIELD APPLICATION SUITE, the customer will be eligible for training on the date the billing integration is completed. If there is no billing integration, the customer may be eligible for training as soon as the minimum number of meters are installed.


An annual BEACON SaaS Field Application Suite-Mobile Read Module User Login license is required for each Customer User Login for the BEACON SaaS mobile meter reading software suite. User Login License includes access to the BEACON SaaS Field Application Suite-Mobile Read Module.

A Mobile Read Module User Login License Service Unit represents one (1) month of Customer user access to BEACON SaaS Field Director or ORION® Mobile Read software and will be assessed in multiples of twelve (12) Mobile Read Module User Login License Service Units (68886-502).

The license start date will be the date the BEACON customer is eligible for BEACON Mobile training. If the BEACON customer has purchased a billing integration accompanying the BEACON SaaS FIELD APPLICATION SUITE, the customer will be eligible for training on the date the billing integration is completed. If there is no billing integration, the customer may be eligible for training as soon as the minimum number of meters are installed.


Customer will be required to submit a PO to Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors for applicable Service Units. Initial Service Unit pricing will be held for the first 12-month term, then subject to change thereafter. Service Units may be purchased in Customer-defined increments except where minimum multiple purchase increments have been stated. Reorder increments will be established at time of initial purchase and may be modified at a later date. Service Unit price may vary if purchase increment is changed.

Service Unit pricing is Net to Customer and will be invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors based on Customerdefined Service Unit purchase increments or minimum multiple purchase increments as noted. Service Unit part numbers are denoted as 68886 and have been included in this document for cross reference with Customer pricing proposal.

Service Units will be consumed on a monthly basis, as applicable to each asset type.

Service Units are non-refundable and non-transferable to another entity without Badger Meter approval.

Service Units may be converted to like-valued, or higher, Service Units of a different asset type with Badger Meter approval.

Service Units expire ten (10) years from date of purchase. Expired Service Units will be forfeited unless converted prior to expiration.

Upon termination of a Customer’s BEACON SaaS services, for whatever cause, unused Service Units will be forfeited if not converted to Badger Meter future purchase credit within ninety (90) days.

Failure to renew services at term expiration, or pay for services invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors, may result in termination of services and limited access to Customer’s BEACON SaaS portfolio at the discretion of Badger Meter.

BEACON® Software as a Service (SaaS) Water Quality Monitoring Pricing Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply to the BEACON® Solution, composed of BEACON Software as a Service (SaaS) and Water Quality Monitoring Station with Badger Meter supplied cellular modem and service sold by Badger Meter, Inc. (“Badger Meter”) or one of its authorized distributors to a utility or non-utility customer (“Customer”) and are in addition to those found at https://www.badgermeter.com/legal-and-compliance/ and as appropriate, the BEACON General Agreement and/or BEACON Master Agreement executed by Customer. These terms do not alter or modify the terms and conditions previously agreed to and in the event of a conflict between terms, the original agreements shall apply.


Recurring service fees are based on asset type and assessed monthly (“Service Units”). Asset types are identified by unique Service Unit part numbers as represented in this section. Service Units will be invoiced by Badger Meter.


Customers deploying a Water Quality Monitoring Station (“Station”) reporting data to BEACON will be assessed a WQ BEACON Serv Unit (68886-120) annual fee, per Station. This fee includes Customer’s license and access to the BEACON software, software updates, hosting of Customer’s Water Quality data, technical support, and cellular backhaul for the Station. BEACON WQ Service Units will be consumed monthly, per eligible Station in Customer’s BEACON portfolio. Each Station will consume one Service Unit on the 26th of each month from the Customer’s balance of pre-purchased Service Units. Service Unit consumption will begin 60 days after the Station’s original manufacturer ship date.


Customer will be required to submit a PO to Badger Meter for applicable Service Units. Initial Service Unit pricing will be held for the first 12-month term, then subject to change thereafter. Service Units must be purchased in increments of 12 per Station. Reorder increments will be established at the time of initial purchase and may be modified at a later date.

Service Unit pricing is Net to Customer and will be invoiced by Badger Meter.

Service Unit part numbers are denoted as 68886 and have been included in this document for cross reference with Customer pricing proposal.

Service Units will be consumed on a monthly basis, as applicable to each asset type.

Service Units are non-refundable and non-transferable to another entity without Badger Meter approval.

Service Units may be converted to like-valued, or higher, Service Units of a different asset type with Badger Meter approval.

Service Units expire ten (10) years from date of purchase. Expired Service Units will be forfeited unless converted prior to expiration.

Upon termination of a Customer’s BEACON services, for whatever cause, unused Service Units will be forfeited if not converted to Badger Meter future purchase credit within ninety (90) days.

Failure to renew services at term expiration or pay for services invoiced by Badger Meter may result in termination of services and limited access to Customer’s BEACON portfolio at the discretion of Badger Meter.

Professional Software Services Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions apply to professional services sold by Badger Meter, Inc. (“Badger Meter”) or one of its authorized distributors to a utility or non-utility customer (“BEACON Customer”) and are in addition to those found at, https://www.badgermeter.com/terms-and-conditions, https://www.badgermeter.com/certifications-legal/, and as appropriate, the BEACON® General Agreement and/or BEACON Master Agreement executed by the Customer. Contractual agreements may supersede these terms and conditions on a case-by-case basis.

Customer will be required to submit a Purchase Order to Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors for applicable Professional Services. Pricing is Net to Customer and will be invoiced by Badger Meter or one of its authorized distributors. Part numbers have been included in this document for cross reference with Customer pricing proposal. Services will be invoiced upon completion.


66220-201 through 66220-215

A billing integration is necessary for any BEACON customer to configure the data transfer between BEACON and the BEACON customer’s billing system to support meter-to-cash operations. This is the effort to load the “Accounts and Assets” data into BEACON and provide the BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor with the billing reads information. Most new BEACON customers will need a “Standard Billing Integration”. Please see “Expectations to Customer and Services Not Included” for scenarios where other, non-standard billing integrations would apply.

An expectation of the Standard Billing Integration is that the BEACON customer’s billing vendor has an existing “BEACON Export” (the Accounts and Assets” data, howsoever titled) which almost certainly means the billing vendor has other BEACON customers. The “Accounts and Assets” and billing reads files must be validated, but nothing new will be designed by Badger Meter or the customer, and the billing vendor is not creating a new type of export for the first time for this project. This “BEACON export” must be a delimited file with headers matching the latest BEACON billing integration specification file (which is “format DE”). If there is a BEACON customer IT team or third-party IT team involved to discuss the design specification of the interface data structure, please refer to the “Interface Design Workshops for: Billing Integration” (Meter Data Integrations) section.

The “Standard Billing Integration” part number is to be used when a BEACON customer wishes to add a billing integration when they were performing their meter-to-cash operation from a starter spreadsheet. A “starter spreadsheet” means that the data is created from manual entry as opposed to a programmatic report.

When a BEACON customer changes to a new billing vendor, the Badger Meter BEACON interface team must perform a full review of the interface file from the new billing vendor. Most times, the new billing vendor will use a different file structure, and ID updates are usually necessary to ensure continuity and prevent account duplication. The Badger Meter BEACON interface team is uniquely qualified to ensure these ID updates are performed correctly. The same scope of services as in a billing integration will be provided by the Badger Meter BEACON team.

A “Standard Billing Integration” (66220-201) or “Standard Billing Vendor Change” (66220-211) has the expectation of a format DE file (see above) and is for water services only. If the BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor cannot meet Format DE specifications (for example, if a Format C or MV-RS/Itron format file will be used), or for BEACON customers with additional service types (such as gas), the appropriate software services part number must be quoted. This same scope will apply for part numbers 66220-202 through 66220-215; the alternate part number allows for the different “Accounts and Assets” file format or service type.

NOTE: the BEACON customer will likely need to place a separate purchase order with their billing vendor for billing integrations and billing vendor changes. Any work necessary in the billing system will not be the responsibility of Badger Meter.



  • Iterative review and troubleshooting of the “Accounts and Assets” file (also known as the BEACON import file or system sync file or meter provisioning file). This process of iterative review and troubleshooting is considered a fixed bid.
  • Formatting of the billing reads data to fit the BEACON customer’s billing system requirements. This process may also be iterative and is also considered a fixed bid.
  • API Request Configuration Assistance for supporting development of requests to the BEACON ../import and ../read API endpoints is included as part of the Billing Integration.


  • The BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor must provide a delimited file with headers matching the latest BEACON billing integration specification file. 
    • Upon receipt of the “Accounts and Assets” file, the Badger Meter BEACON interface analyst will review the file and detail any corrections which need to be made. The Badger Meter BEACON interface analyst will normally detail any required corrections within 1-2 business days, but must communicate required corrections within two (2) weeks of receiving the “Accounts and Assets” file.
    • The BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor must make these corrections and provide a new file within two (2) weeks of being notified.
    • This is expected to be an iterative process.
    • Once all corrections are made, the Badger Meter BEACON interface analyst will approve the file.
  • After the “Accounts and Assets” file is approved, the Badger Meter BEACON interface analyst will create a billing reads file and provide it to the BEACON customer or the BEACON customer’s billing vendor for review.
    • Both BEACON reports and the BEACON ../read API have robust capabilities to choose and order fields within the report. However, the billing reads report must fit a possible specification in the publicly documented BEACON help wiki. Any changes necessary within the billing system to import the billing reads data outside the capabilities in the BEACON public help website will be the responsibility of the BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor.
    • As with the “Accounts and Assets” file, an iterative review process can be expected. The BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor has two (2) weeks to review and provide feedback or change requests. The Badger Meter BEACON interface team will make these changes and provide a new file, normally within 1-2 business days but absolutely within two (2) weeks of being notified of changes requested. After each billing reads file iteration, the BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor will have a chance to review.
  • Three (3) weeks after the Badger Meter BEACON interface team provides the last file iteration, the billing reads file is assumed to be correct and the interface project will be closed.
    • Further changes to billing reads file may incur additional fees for interface modification.
  • Upon the Badger Meter BEACON interface team’s approval of the BEACON customer’s “Account and Assets” file, the BEACON customer has two (2) weeks to complete the API Request Configuration. After that, another purchase order must be submitted for the Badger Meter BEACON team to assist with API Request Configuration. For this included “API Request Configuration Assistance”, or for any separately-purchased “API Request Configuration Assistance”, these terms apply:
    • Data transfer methodology must adhere to publicly documented BEACON APIs. No other forms of data transfer are supported.
    • The BEACON customer must provide knowledgeable resources to build the BEACON API requests. Training on web service fundamentals is not in scope for the API Request Configuration Assistance Professional Services hours.
    • The BEACON customer is expected to understand hardware and environment requirements for making API requests. If the BEACON customer or BEACON customer’s billing vendor does not have the capability to make such requests, any charges associated with adding this capability will be the responsibility of the BEACON customer.
    • The Badger Meter BEACON interface team will help the BEACON customer troubleshoot the requests and understand the API responses, interpret datasets, and explain BEACON functionality, but cannot assist with or describe the functionality of any non-BEACON systems. The Badger Meter BEACON interface team cannot assist with loading data into a non-BEACON system.
    • Maintenance is not included after the two-week period. Support for API requests is not provided by the BEACON helpdesk. If something changes on the side of the BEACON customer and the request fails, a new “API Request Configuration Assistance” order must be made to engage the Badger Meter BEACON interface team. (A 30-minute discovery call would be provided, and hopefully any issues resolved without an order needing to be placed.)
    • Only the BEACON ../import and ../read API endpoints are in scope for a billing integration. Discussion of other endpoints requires a different purchase order.
  • Data must be transferred in one of the formats supported by BEACON as defined in the publicly available BEACON help documentation.
    • Data transfer methodology is either a manual “drag-and-drop" file transfer between BEACON and the billing system or implementation of the publicly documented BEACON APIs.
    • If the BEACON customer would like to implement an alternate data transfer methodology, the Badger Meter BEACON software services team may facilitate one or more discovery calls. Additional scope and effort will be identified in these discovery calls.
  • Any data transfer or functionality configuration outside of the “Accounts and Assets” and billing reads data is not in the scope of a billing integration.
  • Assistance retrieving and/or understanding interval read data (the BEACON ../range or ../flow APIs) is out of scope for any billing integration. BEACON customers are welcome to retrieve data from these endpoints, but the Badger Meter BEACON interface analyst will require an additional purchase order to engage.
  • Throughout the course of the integration, the Badger Meter BEACON interface team will describe the interface functionality and BEACON functionality. The BEACON help documentation also provides complete system use detail. However, follow-up on use-case or user acceptance testing—such as meter change-outs or hardware decommissioning—is not part of a billing integration. The billing integration ensures that the file structure is correct. Additional support for user acceptance testing can be quoted as a separate scope of work.
  • The BEACON interface team will not backload meter reads from previous systems. This can be done but must be a separate scope of work.
  • If there is a change in a BEACON customer’s external system and an API request fails or the dataset needs to be updated, a new scope of work may be required.
  • Support of non-BEACON systems is not provided by the Badger Meter BEACON helpdesk.
  • The total work time required for Badger Meter on any billing integration or billing vendor change is expected not to exceed 80 hours. If this threshold is reached, Badger Meter will provide the BEACON customer with a detailed hours log of all work performed, which will include the root cause(s) for exceeding the threshold. Subsequently, Badger Meter will work with the BEACON customer to identify any remaining work outstanding and an applicable hourly rate to complete the remaining work.


66220-216 through 66220-220

Badger Meter strongly recommends the Badger Meter BEACON interface team review the billing interface file when material changes are made to the structure or content of the file. Even if BEACON accepts the “Accounts and Assets” (meter provisioning or system sync) file, changes to the structure may cause issues when the utility billing system tries to read in the billing reads file exported from BEACON. Adding new endpoint types, adding new fields or modifying existing fields, or changes which occur during a billing software upgrade all may affect the output of a billing reads file. The Badger Meter BEACON team will perform the iterative reviews of the “Accounts and Assets” and billing reads to the full scope of a billing integration. Even for BEACON customers with strong IT departments, it is seldom practical for a BEACON customer to build out an interface (especially a billing interface) without Badger Meter assistance. The Badger Meter interface team is specialized in exactly the types of challenges BEACON customers face when setting up BEACON interfaces. In the case that the Badger Meter BEACON interface team is not involved in the inception of the interface changes and is required to provide “rush” assistance, an additional fee may be charged for all services provided.


66220-221 through 66220-225

When upgrading from ReadCenter or CONNECT to BEACON, a new billing interface is always required. The structure and content of the “Accounts and Assets” (meter provisioning or system sync) file change between BEACON and Badger Meter Legacy systems. The full scope of a billing integration applies.

NOTE: the BEACON customer will likely need to place a separate purchase order with their billing vendor for billing integrations and billing vendor changes. Any work necessary in the billing system will not be the responsibility of Badger Meter.


66220-251 through 66220-256 and 66220-271 through 66220-272, 66220-262, 66220-266

Terms and conditions for Meter Data integrations are typically agreed upon within a Statement of Work for the specific project. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Badger Meter for more information.




The Badger Meter BEACON development team will create and maintain an SFTP site and enable the client’s technical team’s credentials for access. Client will place “Accounts and Assets” (meter provisioning or system sync) files on this directory. BEACON will automatically import and then remove files from this directory. Additionally, if desired, this SFTP will also be available for the Badger Meter inside sales to place the MMF (Meter Manufacturing Files or Manufacturing Certificate Files) files onto this SFTP as they are available. Client will retrieve and remove the MMF files after the file transfer is complete.

Ensuring that the “Accounts and Assets” file is correct and accurate is a part of either a “Standard Billing Integration” or “Interface Design Workshops for: Billing Integration” project, but not included in this part. This part only ensures the data pathway is viable for the “Accounts and Assets” data file to flow from the client system into BEACON. Once this pathway is established and mutually confirmed, this scope will be complete.

Client may request different SFTP sites and/or directories for development and testing versus production. The Badger Meter BEACON development team will deliver these sites as decided in the course of this project.

BEACON SFTP Client Configuration Information:



Server Name




Server Directory






*SSH keys are the preferred authentication method. The username associated with the SSH key must be a valid, native BEACON username/email address with FTP privileges. Username/password authentication is also supported. In this case, the username/password is the same as the username/password from a valid, native BEACON username/email address with FTP privileges.

Expectations to BEACON Customer and Services Not Included:

  • Client must provide IP/IP-range to be whitelisted. Only whitelisted IP addresses can post to the BEACON SFTP.
  • To create the for the username, the user must be invited to BEACON. Once the invite is sent, someone with access to that email will need to follow the BEACON invite link, accept the terms and conditions, and create BEACON credentials. Then the user can be assigned FTP privileges.
  • Client must provide knowledgeable resources to access the SFTP site and upload or download files. Training on SFTP fundamentals is not in scope.
  • Client must orchestrate the upload of “Accounts and Assets” file to this SFTP and retrieval of MMF files (if applicable) from this SFTP.
  • This part does not include any exports. Data can be retrieved from BEACON through an API or by running a report in the BEACON UI.
  • As described in the “BEACON UAT: Terms for Use at No Additional Charge” section, BEACON PRD is sync’d to BEACON UAT approximately quarterly. At this time, credentials and authentication keys in UAT will be overwritten with those in PRD. To enable persistent access to the UAT SFTP, the BEACON customer must employ one of two options:
    • The preferred method is to create two separate sets of credentials with unique keys, and make sure both credentials exist in both PRD and UAT. This way, when the BEACON PRD->UAT sync happens, both environments will still have both credentials.
    • The BEACON customer could also use the same authentication key for both UAT and PRD.
    • If using username/password authentication, use the same username/password in both UAT and PRD.



BEACON SSO implementations may vary slightly depending on the BEACON customer’s IdP (Identify Provider). Badger Meter BEACON and BEACON customer technical teams will need to exchange configuration metadata and perform testing to ensure the IdP is communicating correctly with BEACON. 

BEACON SSO Kickoff Information:

BEACON Customer must provide

BEACON team will provide

Verify desired SSO domain URL. This will look like customer.beaconama.net, where customer is unique to the BEACON customer.

Custom SSO domain (BEACON customer can request specific domain if desired). The custom SSO domain URL must be established before the BEACON team can provide other information.

Entity ID

Entity ID

The single sign on service URL

Assertion consumer service

The single logout service URL

The single logout service URL

The CERT fingerprint decoded using sha256

Certificate and fingerprint


  • BEACON SSO supports SAML 2.0 protocol.
  • SP-initiated SSO is encouraged, but BEACON also supports IdP-initiated SSO.
  • SSO claims should be kept to four parameters: role, username, email, and full_name. Additional parameters to the claim will extend the scope of work and may incur additional charges.
  • BEACON SSO supports the auto-creation of users. If an SSO claim is made for a user which does not currently exist in BEACON, the user will be created.
  • BEACON SSO supports custom security roles to be asserted on a per-user basis in the SSO claim. Please note:
    • The security role must exist in BEACON prior to the user logging in via SSO. If an SSO claim is asserted for a user with a security role not defined in BEACON, the user will not gain access to BEACON. In this case, the security role must be created, then the user must be deleted from BEACON. After these two steps are completed, the user will be granted access to BEACON on the next SSO log-in attempt.
    • When a security role changes for a user, the user must be fully deleted from BEACON. After the user is deleted, the new security role will be applied the next time the user logs in via SSO.
    • Cloud APP (BEACON) role management is not supported. Roles must be maintained in the IdP.
  • Microsoft Entra ID (previously known as Azure AD) and Okta are common IdPs, but any/all IdPs are supported.
  • BEACON supports multiple IdPs implemented for a single utility. However, it may be indistinguishable in BEACON which IdP initialized the SSO User.
  • API access requires a native BEACON user—not an SSO user.
    • Typically, one master API user can be configured for this purpose to permit automated API functions while still allowing most user accounts to be via SSO.
  • The BEACON SSO only manages access to BEACON itself. Mobile reading platforms, EyeOnWater®, and the ORION® Endpoint Status Checker are separate applications and require separate provisioning.
    • BEACON SSO does not provide for EyeOnWater/EyeOnWater+ SSO. The simplest recommendation for end users to access EyeOnWater is to embed a link to EyeOnWater on the billing portal and then purchase the “EyeOnWater Branding with ‘Pay My Bill’ Link” for users to hyperlink back to their billing portal.
    • Mobile reading platforms require Mobile User licenses and are not covered by BEACON SSO.
  • Standard procedure is to implement SSO in a lower environment (BEACON-UAT) for testing before implementing in production.
  • Badger Meter will provide guidance, but the BEACON customer is responsible to develop any roll-out plan if required to inform users how to log in via SSO versus the native BEACON login.



The Badger Meter Branded EyeOnWater Service lets BEACON customers deliver an enhanced customer experience by adding a custom logo, custom URL, Bill Pay redirect link, utility customer service contact information, and other essential information to the EyeOnWater consumer engagement portal.

To take advantage of the Branded EyeOnWater Service, please provide your Badger Meter representative with the following information.

Required Information

  • Custom URL: Approved custom URL. For example, specify the “cityofanywhere” in “cityofanywhere.eyeonwater.com” Alternatively, it is possible to rebrand eyeonwater.com by using a branded domain name/URL. Instead of thinking they have been directed to a third-party web site, your customers will see EOW-related content as part of your utility website.
    For more information, please visit: The EyeOnWater Branding Options page of BEACON Help.
  • Utility Logo: High-resolution utility logo with a transparent background in vector format (SVG, vector AI, EPS, PNG, JPEG).
  • Sample Bill: PDF of an actual bill. Customer-specific information will be altered/redacted, but this image is to illustrate where customers can find the information they need to sign up for EyeOnWater.
  • Utility Favicon: The web address linking to the Favicon used by the utility. If unavailable the favicon will default to EyeOnWater favicon.

Highly Recommended Information

  • Home URL: The utility homepage URL.
  • Bill-pay URL*: The utility bill-pay web address. This greatly enhances the user experience.
    NOTE: By default, single sign-on (SSO) is not supported. Users need to log in when they arrive at the bill-pay site. We encourage the bill-pay provider to add a link to EyeOnWater on their payment portal customers.
  • Contact Phone*: The utility customer support phone number.
  • Contact Email*: The utility customer support email address.
  • Contact URL*: Web address of the utility customer support site.
  • Brand String: The utility name as you would like it to appear on EyeOnWater. If unavailable the brand string will default to the utility name.

*Can be provided after branding and is self-serve.

For more information, please visit:https://helpbeaconama.net/customer-outreach/


66220-230 through 66220-234, 66220-291, 66220-292


BEACON customers may wish to make use of BEACON APIs at any time. This could be to automate their billing process, or to extract analytics information such as interval data or leak detection. A “Systems Integration Services” fee should be quoted if a BEACON customer would like the Badger Meter BEACON interface team to help implement the BEACON APIs outside of a billing integration or interface design workshops project. All services and clauses from the “API Request Configuration Assistance” defined in the “Standard Billing Integration” section apply.

Upon inquiry, the Badger Meter BEACON interface team will provide a 30-minute discovery call at no charge as part of Badger Meter exemplary customer service. Most times, this 30-minute call will be enough to answer any questions, and no purchase order for “Systems Integration Services” will be required. The BEACON APIs are fully documented with sample scripts for making the API requests; once BEACON customers know where this information is and how to use it, they may be self-sufficient. If, during the discovery call, it is determined that the BEACON customer will require further assistance, a “Systems Integration Services” order can be made.

Systems Integration Services is also a catch-all, and can be used as the part number for a service where no other part number applies. A Statement of Work may be developed for this type of effort.


A “Data Conversion” consists of the import of read history from legacy systems into BEACON. BEACON customers must be able to provide a backup of the legacy system to Badger Meter. Badger Meter cannot guarantee that all historical read data is recoverable. A typical historical import will recover approximately 95% of the daily interval read data. Pricing assumes that daily interval reads will be extracted. Smaller intervals can be recovered for an additional fee. This scope is complete when data is loaded into BEACON.
A “Data History Reload” may describe any reload of historical reads not presently in BEACON. Only the current service configuration will be backloaded, which means meter change-out history may be lost. One example is backloading data history after a BEACON portfolio merge or split. Another example is backloading average consumption from the time between when an unsupported endpoint stops communicating and a new endpoint is installed.


BEACON customers may require large amounts of data to be extracted, perhaps for several years. Such an extract would be impractical over the BEACON APIs. This data can be extracted directly from BEACON and transferred to the BEACON customer through an agreed-upon method. Typical charge is $1000 per year of data extracted. This scope is complete when data is transferred to the customer. The Badger Meter BEACON team will be available to answer questions pertaining to the data extract for one quarter after the completion of the data upload.


When performing changes or upgrades to systems affecting processes upstream or downstream of BEACON, BEACON customers often wish to test these upgrades first in BEACON-UAT. This is acceptable as per the terms and services described in “BEACON-UAT: TERMS FOR USE AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE”. However, Badger Meter Technical Support does not help BEACON customers with this UAT testing. If assistance is required, the Badger Meter BEACON interface team can engage for a mutually agreed upon number of hours.


The Badger Meter BEACON interface team understands that sometimes tasks must be completed on the weekend. As long as the tasks requested are within reason, this work can be done within the normal scope of the project. However, if more than a half day of work is required, or if the BEACON customer would like to request a Badger Meter BEACON interface analyst to be “on call” for an entire weekend day, a day of “Weekend Standby Go-Live Support (per day)” must be charged.


The standard MMF (Meter Manufacturing Files or Manufacturing Certificate Files) can be modified to fit specific BEACON customer requirements. Discovery calls are required to understand the extent of the changes. Many formats are currently supported, but if a non-supported format is requested, a price will be quoted after the discovery calls.


When one utility takes over another utility, the overtaking utility may request that the two BEACON portfolios are merged into a single portfolio. The following criteria must be evaluated to determine if it will be possible to merge the portfolios.

  • Does the overtaking utility now own the overtaken utility? Is it acceptable that users for each account view the information for the other account? If yes to both, then merging the two BEACON portfolios may be possible. If not, then the portfolios must stay separate.
  • Is there a distinction between how the assets in inventory (specifically endpoints, but also meters and encoders) are allocated between the accounts? For example, is there one stock of endpoints which might be installed in either account? If the assets can be combined, then merging the two BEACON portfolios may be possible. If not, then the portfolios must stay separate.
  • Do both accounts use the same billing vendor, and therefore use the same file formats? If not, then a billing vendor change service may be required. AAG billing reads cannot support two different export formats. The BEACON portfolio merge may be possible, but the billing procedures may change.

In the case of a requested portfolio split, the second two bullet points above would be reversed to determine if a split is feasible.

A “BEACON PORTFOLIO MERGE OR SPLIT” must also be quoted when a BEACON Customer adds a new zone or region with new staff. NOTE: Additional training may be warranted in this circumstance.



Certain BEACON functionality and/or software services require ongoing maintenance from the Badger Meter BEACON interface and development teams which exceed the support included with the BEACON subscription. These part numbers are denoted with the “💧” symbol. This is a recurring charge required for continuation of these services. Complete redesign will warrant discovery calls, but the annual maintenance fee covers most change requests which would take less than half a day to implement.


BEACON offers a UAT environment which is available to BEACON customers at no additional charge during the development and implementation phases of the project. BEACON-UAT users must be aware:

  • The BEACON-UAT system is sync’d to BEACON production approximately once per quarter. This sync will erase any changes made in UAT which are not also made in production. BEACON customers may not be notified of the sync dates.
  • The Badger Meter BEACON interface and development teams also use BEACON-UAT environment for testing. Data stability is not guaranteed in BEACON-UAT.
  • BEACON-UAT system uptime is not guaranteed.
  • BEACON-UAT is not intended to run in parallel with production.
  • Excessive use of the BEACON-UAT environment after development and implementation may warrant use-case discovery and further contract negotiations.

If a BEACON customer would like to perform tests in UAT, this is normally acceptable. Please let Badger Meter Technical Support know the goals and duration of the testing and the BEACON interface and development teams will try to avoid making changes during this time.


Applies to all 66220 part numbers.

All Badger Meter professional services must have completion and acceptance criteria. This criteria is either defined contractually on a case-by-case basis or is presented in the terms and conditions. After all criteria are satisfied, the Badger Meter interface team will remain available to the BEACON customer for one billing cycle or one quarter, whichever is longer, unless otherwise agreed. Once this additional availability expires, subsequent questions and answers must be directed to Badger Meter’s technical support group as prescribed in the BEACON Service Level Agreement (SLA).


Technical Support (66220-001) hourly fee will be assessed to Customers without an active service/maintenance agreement when receiving online or telephone assistance from Badger Meter Technical Support. Partial hours assessed in whole hour increments only.


Badger Meter offers custom training and field support services for Customers. Hourly fee for Custom Online training (69328-901) assessed in whole hour increments only. On-site training and field support applies to consecutive weekdays only (69328-902 first day, 69328-912 each additional consecutive day). On-site training or field support day is limited to six (6) hours per session. Non-consecutive sessions priced per session. Additional fees may apply for on-site sessions held outside the continental U.S. or Canada.

Telog® Network as a Service (NaaS) and Remote Monitoring Software as a Service (SaaS) Pricing Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply to the Telog Solution, composed of Remote Monitoring Software as a Service (SaaS) and Telog Recording Telemetry Units (RTU)  supplied with Badger Meter Network as a Service (NaaS) cellular modem and data plan sold by Badger Meter, Inc. (“Badger Meter”) or one of its authorized distributors to a utility or non-utility customer (“Customer”) and are in addition to those found at https://www.badgermeter.com/legal-and-compliance/ and as appropriate, the Telog Remote Monitoring General Agreement. These terms do not alter or modify the terms and conditions previously agreed to and in the event of a conflict between terms, the original agreements shall apply. 



A one-time activation fee is required for all new RTU cellular accounts. This fee includes the setup and activation of the Customer’s cellular data plan under the Badger Meter master account. The one-time fee will be invoiced by Badger Meter at the time of the RTU sale. 


Recurring service fees are based on asset type and assessed monthly (“Service Units”). Asset types are identified by unique Service Unit part numbers as represented in this section. Service Units will be invoiced by Badger Meter. 


Customers deploying a Telog RTU activated on the Badger Meter’s cellular data plan and reporting data to Telog Remote Monitoring will be assessed a Badger Meter Service Unit (68886-1001) monthly fee per activated RTU. This fee includes the Customer’s license and access to the Telog Remote Monitoring SaaS software, hosting the Customer’s telemetry data, technical support, and cellular backhaul for the RTU. Badger Meter Service Units will be consumed monthly per eligible RTU in the Customer’s Telog portfolio. Each active RTU will consume one Service Unit on the 26th of each month from the Customer’s balance of pre-purchased Service Units. Service Unit consumption will begin 30 days after the RTU’s original manufacturer ship date. 


Customers deploying a Telog RTU activated on the Customer’s cellular data plan and reporting data to Telog Remote Monitoring will be assessed a Badger Meter Service Unit (68886-1004) monthly fee per activated RTU. This fee includes the Customer’s license and access to the Telog Remote Monitoring SaaS software, hosting the Customer’s telemetry data, and technical support. Badger Meter Service Units will be consumed monthly per eligible RTU in the Customer’s Telog portfolio. Each RTU will consume one Service Unit on the 26th of each month from the Customer’s balance of pre-purchased Service Units. Service Unit consumption will begin 30 days after the RTU’s original manufacturer ship date.  


Customers deploying a Telog RTU activated on the Badger Meter’s cellular data plan and reporting data to systems other than Telog Remote Monitoring will be assessed a Badger Meter Service Unit (68886-1005) monthly fee per activated RTU. This fee only includes the cellular backhaul for the RTU. Badger Meter Service Units will be consumed monthly per eligible RTU in the Customer’s Telog portfolio. Each active RTU will consume one Service Unit on the 26th of each month from the Customer’s balance of pre-purchased Service Units. Service Unit consumption will begin 30 days after the RTU’s original manufacturer ship date. 


Customer will be required to submit a PO to Badger Meter for applicable Service Units. Initial Service Unit pricing will be held for the first 12-month term, then subject to change thereafter. Service Units must be purchased in increments of 12 per RTU. Reorder increments will be established at the time of initial purchase and may be modified at a later date. 

Service Unit pricing is Net to Customer and will be invoiced by Badger Meter. 

Service Unit part numbers are denoted as 68886 and included in this document for cross reference with Customer pricing proposal. 

Service Units will be consumed monthly, as applicable to each asset type. 

Service Units are non-refundable and non-transferable to another entity without Badger Meter approval. 

Service Units may be converted to like-valued, or higher, Service Units of a different asset type with Badger Meter approval. 

Service Units expire ten (10) years from date of purchase. Expired Service Units will be forfeited unless converted prior to expiration. 

Upon termination of a Customer’s services, for whatever cause, unused Service Units will be forfeited if not converted to Badger Meter future purchase credit within ninety (90) days. 

Failure to renew services at term expiration or pay for services invoiced by Badger Meter may result in termination of services, including the deactivation of cellular data accounts and loss of access to the Telog Remote Monitoring SaaS platform at the discretion of Badger Meter. 

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